
Ryan Hoo

Android Software Engineer, also a mediocre Product Manager and Designer

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05 Jun 2014
【构建Android缓存模块】(二)Memory Cache & File Cache

上一篇博客我们讲到普通应用缓存Bitmap的实现分析,根据 MVC 的实现原理,我将这个简单的缓存实现单独写成一个模块,这样可以方便以后的使用,对于任意的需求,都属于一个可插拔式的功能。


Memory Cache

内存缓存的存取速度非常惊人,远远快于文件读取,如果没有内存限制,当然首选这种方式。遗憾的是我们有着16M的限制(当然大多数设备限制要高于 Android 官方说的这个数字),这也正是大 Bitmap容易引起 OOM 的原因。Memory Cache 将使用 WeakHashMap 作为缓存的中枢,当程序内存告急时,它会主动清理部分弱引用(因此,当引用指向为 null ,我们必须转向硬盘缓存读取数据,如果硬盘也没有,那还是重新下载吧)。

能力越大,责任越大?人家只是跑得快了点儿,总得让人家休息,我们一定不希望让内存成为第一位跑完马拉松的 Pheidippides ,一次以后就挂了吧?作为精打细算的猿媛,我们只能将有限的内存分配给 Memory Cache ,将更繁重的任务托付给任劳任怨的 SDCard 。

File Cache


文件读写的技术并不是很新颖的技术,Java Core 那点儿就够你用了。不过要记得我们可是将Bitmap写入文件啊,怎么写入呢?不用着急,Android 的 Bitmap 本身就具备将数据写入 OutputStream 的能力。我将这些额外的方法写在一个帮助类中:BitmapHelper

public static boolean saveBitmap(File file, Bitmap bitmap){
	if(file == null || bitmap == null)
		return false;
	try {
		BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
		return bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out);
	} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		return false;

最后附上Memory Cache和File Cache的具体代码,非常简单。

public class MemoryCache {
	private static final String TAG = "MemoryCache";
	//WeakReference Map: key=string, value=Bitmap
    private WeakHashMap<String, Bitmap> cache = new WeakHashMap<String, Bitmap>();
     * Search the memory cache by a unique key. 
     * @param key Should be unique. 
     * @return The Bitmap object in memory cache corresponding to specific key.
     * */
    public Bitmap get(String key){
        if(key != null)
        	return cache.get(key);
        return null;
     * Put a bitmap into cache with a unique key.
     * @param key Should be unique.
     * @param value A bitmap.
     * */
    public void put(String key, Bitmap value){
    	if(key != null && !"".equals(key) && value != null){
    		cache.put(key, value);
    		//Log.i(TAG, "cache bitmap: " + key);
    		Log.d(TAG, "size of memory cache: " + cache.size());

     * clear the memory cache.
     * */
    public void clear() {
public class FileCache {
	private static final String TAG = "MemoryCache";
	private File cacheDir;	//the directory to save images

	 * Constructor
	 * @param context The context related to this cache.
	 * */
	public FileCache(Context context) {
		// Find the directory to save cached images
		if (android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState()
			cacheDir = new File(
			cacheDir = context.getCacheDir();
		if (!cacheDir.exists())
		Log.d(TAG, "cache dir: " + cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());

	 * Search the specific image file with a unique key.
	 * @param key Should be unique.
	 * @return Returns the image file corresponding to the key.
	 * */
	public File getFile(String key) {
		File f = new File(cacheDir, key);
		if (f.exists()){
			Log.i(TAG, "the file you wanted exists " + f.getAbsolutePath());
			return f;
			Log.w(TAG, "the file you wanted does not exists: " + f.getAbsolutePath());

		return null;

	 * Put a bitmap into cache with a unique key.
	 * @param key Should be unique.
	 * @param value A bitmap.
	 * */
	public void put(String key, Bitmap value){
		File f = new File(cacheDir, key);
			try {
			} catch (IOException e) {
		//Use the util's function to save the bitmap.
		if(BitmapHelper.saveBitmap(f, value))
			Log.d(TAG, "Save file to sdcard successfully!");
			Log.w(TAG, "Save file to sdcard failed!");
	 * Clear the cache directory on sdcard.
	 * */
	public void clear() {
		File[] files = cacheDir.listFiles();
		for (File f : files)


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